Выполнение задания     "Лингвистёнок-2024" английский язык (10-11 класс)


Minsk is the capital ... of the Republic of Belarus.

A) city       Б) town       В) village       Г) country       Д) region

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Jessica was always very fond ... children, so I’m not surprised she became a teacher.

A) about       Б) of       В) in       Г) towards       Д) with

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  



Firemen always seem to be naturally … in the face of danger.

A) nice       Б) kind       В) picturesque       Г) sensible       Д) brave

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


The Sahara ... covers over nine million square kilometres.

A) valley       Б) mountain       В) desert       Г) dessert       Д) river

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


What is NOT a piece of furniture?

A) a curio cabinet

Б) a dresser

В) a chest of drawers

Г) a microwave

Д) a settee

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


What is the third day of the week when the week starts on Monday?

A) Sunday       Б) Saturday       В) Tuesday       Г) Thursday       Д) Wednesday

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Where do schoolchildren have summer holidays from December to late January?

A) Russia       Б) Australia       В) China       Г) Belarus       Д) Canada

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


There's nothing the children enjoy more than a day ... .

A) at the seaside

Б) to the sea

В) on the cost

Г) on the seashells

Д) in the beach

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  



We decided to look for a ... house after years of living next door to noisy neighbours.

A) separate       Б) non-terraced       В) single       Г) detached       Д) alone

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Which famous scientist discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head?

A) Archimedes

Б) Dmitri Mendeleev

В) Alexander Graham Bell

Г) Sir Isaac Newton

Д) Charles Darwin

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Sam was very rude to Clara. If I ... , I would apologise to her for being rude.

A) were you

Б) were him

В) weren’t you

Г) weren’t him

Д) were being him

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  



George and Kate ... their dog in the park ... 10 o’clock.

A) are going to walk, still

Б) are walking, yet

В) has walked, for

Г) have been walking, since

Д) were walking, to

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


I’ve just had a great idea. Next weekend I ... my family.

A) visit

Б) am visiting

В) will visit

Г) am going to visit

Д) visited

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


The sea wasp, which lives off the north coast of Australia, is … creature in the sea. If it stings you, you have between 30 seconds and four minutes to live.

A) a most poisonous

Б) a poison

В) the poisonest

Г) more poisonous

Д) the most poisonous

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


I’m so tired because this week I’ve been working ...

A) very hard

Б) much hard

В) very hardly

Г) much hardly

Д) more hardly

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Put these events in the correct chronological order.

a) start primary school

b) go to kindergarten

c) attend college

d) go to high school

e) leave school

A) 1b, 2a, 3e, 4c, 5d

Б) 1a, 2b, 3e, 4c, 5d

В) 1b, 2a, 3d, 4e, 5c

Г) 1a, 2d, 3e, 4b, 5c

Д) 1b, 2d, 3a, 4e, 5c

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


In this sport you need steady hands and a good eye to be able to hit your target.

A) Football

Б) Rafting

В) Archery

Г) Ice-hockey

Д) Snorkelling

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


John is a man you can always rely on. He will never let you down. He is a … person.

A) arrogant       Б) reliable       В) considerate       Г) boastful       Д) competitive

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


On the morning of the wedding, Linda surprised me with a gift – a pink and gold sundress – and helped me to put it on. At first I felt a bit …, but soon I realized it was very comfortable to wear.

A) convenient       Б) comfortable       В) awkward       Г) unsuitable       Д) difficult

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


If you are meeting someone for the first time, extend a hand to say hello. Belarussians greet each other with … handshakes. Hugs are rare, but kissing … the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives.

A) solid, in

Б) firm, on

В) mighty, on

Г) hard, at

Д) tough, in

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  



Giving a thumbs up or okay sign are all positive gestures. Using your … finger to point at someone is impolite; instead, extend your entire hand with your palm facing up.

A) indicative       Б) demonstrative       В) basic       Г) principal       Д) index

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


You should try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This helps your body to get … a routine.

A) behind       Б) with       В) out of       Г) into       Д) at

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Some scientists think that the humans are biologically programmed to be afraid of certain things, like the dark and poisonous insects. A recent … in medical research suggests that our memories can be rewritten and our fears erased.

A) break       Б) breakthrough       В) advance       Г) broken       Д) advantage

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Do you have a(n) … stomach? You could try chewing a piece of ginger. You can also do this before a journey if you suffer from travel sickness. Ginger may also help you if you have bad breath.

A) disappointed       Б) sad       В) frustrated       Г) upset       Д) gloomy

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Antarctica has the coldest climate on Earth. The lowest temperature ever recorded was -89, 2 C. It is also extremely dry. There is no sun during the winter. The snow doesn’t melt and it becomes an … .

A) ice box

Б) ice sombrero

В) ice cap

Г) ice hat

Д) ice roof

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


A: My friends pressurize me to do things I don’t want to.

B: The best thing to do is to … them. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it.

A: OK. I’ll try that and see what happened.

A) stand up to

Б) fall out with

В) put up with

Г) make up for

Д) get along with

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


Match the exchanges.

1. You look different. a) Pleased to meet you.
2. Can I have a quick word? b) That’s OK.
3. I’ve just moved here. c) I have a complaint.
4. I’m sorry about that. d) I’ve lost weight.
5. What can I do for you? e) Sure.

A) 1d, 2e, 3b, 4c, 5a

Б) 1b, 2e, 3c, 4d, 5a

В) 1d, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5c

Г) 1a, 2e, 3c, 4b, 5d

Д) 1c, 2b, 3a, 4e, 5d

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


How many time zones are there in the world?

A) less than 10

Б) 10

В) 12

Г) 16

Д) more than 20

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  



How many keys does a classical piano have?

A) 88       Б) 66       В) 77       Г) 99       Д) 55

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)  


What kind of creature is a bustard?

A) аn insect

Б) а bird

В) а fish

Г) а mammal

Д) а reptile

А)         Б)         В)         Г)         Д)